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              Cours de danse virtuelle française (30 min)-6 sessions

Chaque cours de danse explore la musique française des

différents pays.


                  Fiche d'information sur les chansons de la classe

Les classes sont suivi par des fiche informatives sur les origines, l'artiste et les paroles des chansons.

Session 2022-2023: 


 French Virtual Dance Class (30 min)

        Each dance class explores French music from different countries.


Spotlight info sheets on the songs used in class

The classes are followed up by 

francosuperstars teacher

            Cours virtuelle française (30 min)- 6 sessions

Chaque cours de danse explore la musique française des

différents pays.


 Plan de leçons pour 6 semaines

Les cours sont suivis de plans de leçons complets pour les enseignants couvrant culture française, vocabulaire et le développement des compétences linguistiques. 


    Matériels - par niveau 

   Les meteriels sont fournis avec des directives et des instructions. Des animations vidéo, des jeux, des discussions, des feuilles de travail et un projet final adaptés à chaque niveau et suivant le programme scolaire de chaque niveau.


                  Compétences "Je peux"

      Chaque cours se concentre sur un ensemble spécifique de compétences "Je peux" basées sur la vie réelle et l'action, conformément aux directives du CEFR.


                  Rubriques d'évaluation

Les enseignants disposent de toutes les rubriques nécessaires pour évaluer les élèves.

 French Virtual Dance Class (30 min)

        Each dance class explores French music from different countries.


Lesson plan for 6 weeks

The classes are followed up by complete lesson plans for teachers  covering French culture, vocabulary and language skills development 


 Materials- per grade

       All materials are provided with guidelines and instructions. Video animations,  games, discussions, worksheets and a final project customized for each grade and in accordance to the curriculum guidelines for each grade.


"I can " skills

       Each course focuses on a specific set of real life authentic action based "I can " skills in accordance with CEFR guidelines.


Rubrics for assessment

Teachers are provided with all necessary rubrics to asses the students


 A full French cultural curriculum complete with lesson plans

and assessment rubrics for each grade based on Ministry of education standards and paired with CEFR and DELF “I can” skills.


This practical, skill-oriented curriculum aims to have

students realize that even if they are not fluent in French by learning practical life skills, they can enrich their lives now. 


For example, in one unit we learn about Francophonie in

Ontario, through discovering Francophone festivals.  This is paired with games, videos, discussions and action-based activities that teach the students the language skills they would most need to navigate a francophone festival.


The final project is a classroom mock Francophone festival activity. 


Check out a sample week HERE

 A full French cultural curriculum complete with lesson plans

and assessment rubrics for each grade based on Ministry of education standards and paired with CEFR and DELF “I can” skills.


This practical, skill-oriented curriculum aims to have

students realize that even if they are not fluent in French by learning practical life skills, they can enrich their lives now. 


For example, in one unit we learn about Francophonie in

Ontario, through discovering Francophone festivals.  This is paired with games, videos, discussions and action-based activities that teach the students the language skills they would most need to navigate a francophone festival.


The final project is a classroom mock Francophone festival activity. 


Check out a sample week HERE

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